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GG Install Ribbon

Regular price $10.00

Stock: 91

These are the install ribbons for our IPS kit - this in not the IPS kit. Ribbons are included in our new IPS kits - FREE! You will not need to buy this with current kits.

VA1 Ribbon Set - Wire free install, soldering required.

VA0 Ribbon Set - Wire free install, soldering required. (designed for the later VA0 with the large round gold circles on the PCB behind the dpad- will work on early models too)

Helper board - Wires required, soldering required. Helps eliminate the precise soldering needed on the original ribbon pads. Compatible with both VA0 and VA1.

Note the helper board is not needed if you're using the Ribbon Set - It is simply a small pcb that makes the small pads easier to solder to if you're doing a wired install - can also be used to make install easier for other kits like McWill etc.