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JoeyLynx cart flasher

Regular price $40.00

Stock: 10

Fast, easy, reliable access to all your Atari Lynx ROM's and Save files 

Supports reflashing our in-house Lynx Flash carts, Atari-gamers flash carts and Karri's Flash carts. Simply drag your ROM to your Joey drive and it'll automatically write the new ROM to the cart.

Enjoy some of the best ROMhacks and remakes on real hardware! We'll be stocking blank bootleg carts in the new year.

You cannot rewrite original Lynx carts.

Supports LNX and LYX ROM's and .EEP save files.

Can load directly from cart into emulators

Firmware updates over USB C - just drag and drop the new firmware.

Instant dump speed,  ~310kbytes/second flash speed.

Lynx Cart socket NOW INCLUDED! (Reproduction sockets, not suitable for use in a lynx)

To Update firmware  - Open Mode.txt, write UPDATE in all caps so it is the first thing joey reads when it looks in there. Save. Drag over the new FIRMWARE.JR file. Only use firmware's supplied from this site, or Atari Gamer's site.

Please follow all instructions provided by the store you purchased this product from.