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Wrapping up Gen3 updates, and something new!

Posted by Benjamin Grimmett on

As of today, Software and Firmware are at v3.15. This release now supports ALL GBA save types, SRAM, FLASH, FRAM and EEPROM in all available sizes. It supports the dumping of all* GBA ROM's both bootleg and commercial.

GB/C support has been complete for some time now and I'm pretty happy with the flash cart support. I still want to add support for nanoloop carts though getting hold of one is proving problematic.

There are still one or two features I will add to Joey's software like better GBA cart size detection and a foolproof way to stop the dumping of Flash Saves on a SRAM cart (Don't do it!) The last update for Joey will stop at v3.16 and should be out in the next week or two. Of course, if you find bugs, a new flash cart or compatibility issues, contact me and I'll do a snappy update.

*one particular type of bootleg GBA cart actually contains copy protection! This is truly amazing and I'll be documenting the reversal of copy protection in the coming weeks.

NEW NEW NEW! I'll be releasing a NES cart dumper in the coming weeks. It will be in the same style as the Gen3 Joey both physically and the GUI. Cart Mapper auto-detection will be one of its features alongside auto iNES header generation, super fast dumping, save dumping and writing and even flashing of compatible carts. Like the Gen3 Joey, compatibility will start off quite limited but rapidly develop until all mappers are supported!

Check back for updates!


  • Hi Eidis,

    OK! so,

    1) The ROM and RAM size are contained within the actual carts header. This is a small block of information contained in every cart and includes the Nintendo logo which is used as a authenticity check in the gameboy. If a bootleg cart deliberately corrupts this information, unfortunately that is the manufacturers doing. If you are under-dumping you can always dump the ROM via the BennVenn 64M cart option, this will dump an entire 8mbyte ROM which is the largest any commercial mapper can support. You can then go in with a hex editor and remove mirrored data to get your ROM.

    2) As for EMS32, Use EMS64. They are identical with the exception of a second bank activated when you reset the gameboy. I’ll fix that issue in the next release.

    3 – 6) Well…. . My hdd crashed a while ago and with it went my source. I have bits and pieces backed up but none are at the current build that is available on my page. I do plan to roll the compiler into Joey software and make it drag and drop. I’m not sure if you are aware but I have a SD flash cart available very soon. This is similar to an Everdrive except 25-50% the price. This will likely replace my 256M carts in the very near future.

    BennVenn on

  • Hi BennVenn ! Gen3 flasher and the 256M cartridge are wonderful pieces of engineering. Really appreciate your work on supporting the GB scene. The hardware is superb, however, the software side could be slightly improved. I have noticed the following things while using the Gen3 flasher.

    1) BennVenn 256M, EMS32 and various multicart ROM Size gets detected as 32768 with an unknown mapper. One of the tried multicarts contains W24258Q-55L SRAM chip. I was unable to identify the other chips because they all are glop tops.
    GB Color game TARZAN ROM size got identified as 131072 while the actual rom is 2MB big. Needless to say that I was unable to dump any of them.

    2) Unable to dump the contents of EMS32 or flash the cart. When I select Dump ROM, from the appropriate menu, nothing happens.The flash cart contains three chips:

    b) INTEL E28F320J5-120 (INTEL StrataFlash™ MEMORY TECHNOLOGY 32 MBIT)
    c) LATTICE M4-64/32-15JC (MACH 4 CPLD Family)

    3) Menu256_LSDJ_Fix does not support 32M GB color ROM images. They do work fine if flashed individually, only one game per flash cart without multiboot. All other tried roms worked fine.

    4) If not mistaken, has a total limit of 107 roms per flash cart but Menu256_LSDJ_Fix does not contain protection if one tries to add more. My first multicart compilation contained 113 ROMS which resulted corrupt graphics in the menu.

    5) Could it be possible to add all roms at once in the Menu256_LSDJ_Fix so that one does not have to add over 100 roms one by one, and update the software so that save slots can be assigned to already added roms ?

    6) Once the added rom window window of Menu256_LSDJ_Fix has been populated, the additional info like save, block size, save bank and flash location does not scroll with the rom list.

    Sorry to bring up such a big list. I really love your product and would like to see it become even better. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

    Keep the scene alive !

    Eidis on

  • What makes you think it is still locked? There have been no code changes in the NP cart routines since its inception so you should have no issues. Head over to my FB page and make a post there, it will be quicker to have a discussion and others could find it useful should they encounter the same symptoms.

    BennVenn on

  • The software won’t unlock Sector 0 on my NP cart. I’ve tried every firmware since v3.11b, and none has worked for me.

    J on

  • Yes!

    Just waiting on the PCB’s from the fabrication house. They’re a little overdue to hopefully soon!

    BennVenn on

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